University of Latvia (UL) invites to register for the 12th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication “Impact of Visuospatial Skills on Learning” which will take place from October 31 to November 1. World-class experts will present their papers during symposium – prof. David Uttal (Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Northwestern University, USA) and prof. Bob Coecke (Computer Science, Oxford University; UK), and prof. Mike Stieff (Learning Sciences, University of Illinois-Chicago, IL, USA). Registration for open “MadScience” lecture and symposium is open until October 25.

Opening keynote will be delivered by the most distinguished researcher of visuospatial skills, prof. D. Uttal (Northwestern University; USA), who has successfully proven different effects of visuospatial skills on learning (especially, STEM areas).  Professor Uttal is also the president of Cognitive Development Society and the editor of Psychological Bulletin. D. Uttal’s opening keynote will be a part of “MadScience” lecture series supported by software company “Accenture”.  The most significant quantum visualisation expert in the world, University of Oxford computer sciences’ prof. B. Coecke, is also among the invited speakers.  He is the pioneer of categoric quantum mechanics and the only professor in the world awarded the title of Professor of Quantum Foundations, Logics and Structures. Further, prof. Mike Stieff (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA), a prominent researcher working on the visualisation of chemistry and diagrammatic reasoning will also deliver a keynote in the symposium. The symposium will end with a concert by American musician Michael Holt in the Aula Magna of the UL. Everybody is welcome to the concert (entrance fee: a donation). The symposium is co-organized by the Faculty of Computing (FC) and Faculty of Business management and economics (FBME) of University of Latvia. The author of the symposium’s idea and the main organizer is the head of FC Perceptual and cognitive system laboratory, professor Jurgis Skilters with a team. This year the organizers have decided to discuss the impacts of visuo-spatial skills on learning. Registration for the symposium is available here: The symposium will be held in English and it will take place in the main UL building at Raina Boulevard 19. Symposium programme is available on UL FC Perceptual and cognitive systems laboratory homepage: Http:// and Facebook page ( Symposium is organized by the UL FC Perceptual and cognitive systems laboratory as a part of the project “Topological modeling of structural alignment: a topological and experimental analysis of information visualization”. The project is supported by the patron of University of Latvia SIA “Mikrotīkls”. The donations are administrated by the University of Latvia foundation. Symposium is supported by Accenture company and UL foundation: Additional information for mass media:   Evija Ansonska, e-mail:, mob. phone: 26011887 Additional information for participants:
