The tenth summer camp of International Economics and Management Scholars took place at the Northeastern University in Shenyang, China, in July this year. The University of Latvia was represented by 4th-year student of Business Administration, Alisa Uzarina.

The theme of the summer camp was “Communication & Cooperation: all around the world”, and the slogan – “Communication, cooperation, innovation, promotion”. Campers were immersed in a multicultural environment, both lecturers and students from different countries were sharing their ideas and were learning from each other. There were about 200 students overall from 8 countries (however, the majority were local Chinese students) and 12 professors (from the USA, Lebanon, Sweden, India etc.).

The timetable was highly intensive, classes took most of the day, but that was not so exhausting thanks to the interactive manner. Students had various discussions; professors were trying to explain global topics in a humorous way. It should be noted that lecturers, representing the Western world, have argued for the free-market economy – and these ideas are totally unfamiliar to the local students. That is why it was interesting to observe different perspectives on economics and entrepreneurship among Western and Eastern students.

During non-study time students had a chance to explore an enormous campus, to play ice-breaking games, to take part in the Economic forum, sports activities and the talent show, to cook traditional food. Furthermore, there were Chinese language classes for foreign students. 

There were organized some sightseeing tours in Shenyang, as well. For example, students have visited the Marshal Zhang’s (by the way, one of the teaching team’s representative is his descendant) Mansion, the Forbidden City, the Museum of Palaeontology.

Alisa is thankful for this unique experience and for an opportunity to learn new things and to meet people from around the globe.
