From May 8th to May 10th, 2014 Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Latvia hosted international annual scientific conference „New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2014”.

The aim of the conference was to discuss results of the scientific researches in the field of economics and management, to establish new contacts and to strengthen international cooperation.
Conference was opened with plenary sessions where following keynote speakers were presenting – researcher of Austrian Institute of Technology Dr. Karl-Heinz Leitner, Prof. Shin’ya Nagasawa from Waseda University in Japan and director of Investment and Development Agency of Latvia Andris Ozols. Plenary session report presentations can be found
124 participants took place in the conference, two thirds of whom were researchers and teaching staff. Participants of conference represented 14 countries – Austria, China, Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Latvia.
In nine parallel section sessions, participants of the conference presented 75 reports.

In the closing plenary session participants discussed work results of the conference sections and in informal atmosphere first associations about the conference were following – interesting ideas, innovations, new contacts, different cultures, beautiful woman in science, good researches, friendly atmosphere, Kansei etc. Also ideas for organization of further conferences were discussed.

Organizers of conference thank all participants of conference who participated with valuable reports, interesting questions and active discussions.
Thanks to Latvian European Community Studies Association, Institute CEDIMES – Latvija, Latvian Association of Econometrists, The Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association, Latvian Association of Statistics and The Baltic Sea Region University Network. (BSRUN)

Photo gallery from conference can be found here
