Throughout 10.02. – 11.02. the UL FEM will be organizing an event called International week, where students can learn more about the various possibilities of both working and studying abroad, that are provided by the UL FEM.

Both studies and praxis abroad are a valuable and unforgettable experience for any student. For this particular reason the UL FEM, in cooperation with ESN Riga and students who have participated in a variety of exchange programs, will be organizing an International week event, where students will be able to inquire about the possibilities of working and studying abroad. During this event students will not only be able to gain information about programs such as LPP/ERASMUS, CAMPUS EUROPAE, ISEP, ERASMUS MUNDUS and other exchange programs, but also hear what other students have to say about their experience abroad. Students will be able to gain additional information about the numerous partner-universities and their curriculum. Additionally, foreign UL FEM students will talk about their home universities and countries.
