Unique idea of UL Faculty of Economics and Management Business Incubator team „FLASH you&me” - manufacturing and sale of couples’ underwear starts to get noticed. Team member will be one of eight designers who will offer their products in newly opened designer store „8 rooms” in Galerija Rīga.

New fashion designer store-showroom titled „8 rooms” was opened on December 17, in shopping centre „Galerija Rīga” where team „FLASH you&me” from Business Incubator of UL Faculty of Economics and Management offers their products. Team of „FLASH you&me” already sells their products in store „Paviljons”, shopping centre „Domina” and store „Look at Riga” in Old Riga. Līva Saule (Šteina) – author, artist and fashion designer tells about the business idea: „Everything started few years ago, when I decided to surprise my husband with nice birthday gift. The idea was wonderful underwear but supply in the stores was totally boring. So at home I stumbled upon appealing fabrics and decided to make the gift myself. Since not all fabric got used, I created copy for myself too. After festive presentation and trying on the gifts I glanced in the mirror to both of us and saw couple in united beautiful underwear in front of me – it was very beautiful and exciting! That is how idea bout couples’ concept was born!” In local market FLASH publically appeared in Positivus festival in 2010, as well as Klanciema quarter Christmas market in 2011. In 2012 Līva started to offer her products online, and since customer’s interest towards this product only grew, in October 2013 both creators of couples’ underwear concept - Līva Saule (Šteina) un Raimonds Šteins joined Business Incubator of UL Faculty of Economics and Management. UL FEM Business Incubator was founded in autumn of 2012 as support tool for student company start up. Operation of Business Incubator is supported by University of Latvia, Swedbank, private companies, as well as UL patron John Medveckis by financing first FabLab type prototyping laboratory in the Baltic States for the Business Incubator. Contact information:
Mikus Losāns
University of Latvia
Faculty of Economics and Management
Head of Business Incubator
Phone:  28632492
