On Tuesday, January 28th, in faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of UL professor Mihails Hazans met with ambassador of Latvia in United Kingdom Andris Teikmanis in order to inform him about his research in issues of demographics and migration.

Initiator of the meeting was ambassador who visited Latvia for ambassador’s conference but at the same time wanted to learn more about data obtained during professor’s researches concerning migration of Latvia nationals. Data could help him to improve Latvian diaspora in Great Britain basing his activities on scientifically justified researches. Professor M.Hazans has gathered and compiled data about migration of Latvian nationals abroad, its causes and consequences in economics already for several years. In recently published The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, M.Hazans dedicated whole chapter to these problems, as well as written several publications that have caused wide resonance in the society and media, since gathered data clearly portray scale and trends of economic migration. At the moment several scientific projects supported by European Union take place in FEM under supervision of M.Hazans, in which migration of Latvian nationals’ is researched. More information on these issues can be found in publications of M.Hazans:
  • Hazans M. (2013). “Emigration from Latvia: Recent trends and economic impact” in OECD (2013), Coping with Emigration in Baltic and East European Countries, OECD Publishing, pp. 65-110. doi: <link http: dx.doi.org _blank>10.1787/9789264204928-en
  • Hazans M. (2013). Rīga: Dzimstības potenciāls, emigrācijas draudi un sociālā infrastruktūra. <link http: www.ld.riga.lv tl_files aktualitates _blank>www.ld.riga.lv/tl_files/aktualitates/Projketi%20ERAF/hazans_riga%20dzimstiba%20un%20emigracija_02%2010%202013%20.pdf
  • Hazans M. (2012). “Selectivity of migrants from Baltic countries before and after enlargement and responses to the crisis”, in Bela Galgoczi, Janine Leschke and Andrew Watt (eds). Intra-EU Migration in Troubled Times: Skills Mismatch, Return Migration and Policy Responses. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 169-207. [Library of Congress, British Library]
  • Hazans M. (2011). “The changing face of Latvian emigration, 2000-2010”, in: Brigita Zepa and Evija Kļave (eds), Latvia. Human Development Report 2010/2011: National Identity, Mobility and Capability. Riga: Advanced Social and Political Research Institute of the University of Latvia (2011), 77-101. <link http: szf.lu.lv files petnieciba publikacijas tap _blank>szf.lu.lv/files/petnieciba/publikacijas/TAP/TAP2010%202011%20ENG.pdf
  • Hazans M. (2011). “Labour market integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia”, in Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds), Ethnic minorities in European labor markets: Challenges and solutions, Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 163-197.  [Web of Science, Library of Congress, British Library]
  • Hazans M., Philips K. (2010). “The Post-Enlargement Migration Experience in the Baltic Labor Markets”, in Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds), EU Labor Markets After Post-Enlargement Migration, Berlin - Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 255-304. [Web of Science, Library of Congress]
