Lou Coenen most part of his career has worked in such globally known companies as IBM, GE, Telstra, Matra Groupe. He has worked in Australia, japan, India, Europe and USA. He has managed more than 800 employees.

When working at IBM Global Services, Lou Coenen worked on business starting projects with financing of 750 million dollars. After leaving active career, Lou Coenen started to read lectures about starting entrepreneurship, in order to help each student to generate and create new products that could be launched in the market in future.
One of his latest publications is The Virtual University - Where to from here?, which is project started in Australia. The aim is to create online learning environment for students, as Lou Coenen believes that virtual universities will be better, faster and cheaper way to receive education.

  • Lecture „Managing a Customer Through a Troubled Project” for 2nd year Economics bachelors students on Wednesday, December 18, 10.30-12.00, room 500.
  • Lecture „Managing a Customer Through a Troubled Project”  for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy on Wednesday, December 18, 10.30-12.00, room 500.
  • Lecture „Lean Management and Global Business Strategy” for 1st and 2nd year students of masters study programmes: International Economics and Commercial diplomacy on Wednesday, December 18, 18.15 - 21.00, Room 424.
  • Lecture „Lean Management and Global Business Strategy” for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy on Wednesday, December 18, 18.15-21.00, room 424.
  • Lecture „Lean Management and Global Business Strategy” for PhD students on Wednesday, December 18, 18.15-21.00, room 424.
  • Lecture „The Virtual University. Where to from here?” for staff of Faculty of Economics and Management of on Thursday, December 19. 13.00 – 14.00, Room 518.
Everyone is welcome to attend lectures.
