Meeting with US presidential candidates and businessmen Donald Trump.

On November 15, at University of Latvia Faculty of Economics and Management United States inventor Alan Amron will hold a lecture. Sticky notes „Press-On-Memo” today known as „Post-it Notes” inventor in creative forum will talk about 45 year experience in business and new product invention.

Alan Amron is an American inventor who holds 40 United States issued/awarded utility patents as battery operated water guns (today known as Storm pressurized water guns) and first handheld battery-operated digital photo frame which could display JPG and MPG files, and read Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word documents. The product was licensed to Nikon. Alan Amron has collaborated with many celebrities, as US presidential candidates and businessmen Donald Trump, world boxing champion Muhammad Ali and asked everyone on earth to send him $1 to reunite The Beatles” for a concert. Now Alan Amron works on project „First Down Laser Systems’’, which would extend the concept of the computer-generated first down yellow line seen on-screen during televised football games by projecting such a line on the physical field at the stadium. „Green Line" provides the players with a visible goal, preventing the fumbles and injuries that often occur when a player's attention is turned toward the sidelined first down markers. When presented with a real goal, players are driven to play harder, giving their fans a more exciting performance. Creative forum with Alan Amron will take place at Professors E.Vasermaņa auditorium, Aspazijas Boulevard 5, room 225, 16:00 – 17:30. Please confirm your attendance by November 11 via e-mail our call nummber +371 67034701.
