The project of EEA/Norway grants program was implemented at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Latvia (UL FEM) in cooperation with the University of Agder (Norway) from August 2015 till 30th September 2016. The overall aim of the project was to establish, develop and strengthen educational co-operation in fields of economics and management between the University of Latvia and the University of Agder. The necessity and sustainability of the project was the development of student competences and skills in accordance with future international and global labor market requirements as well as the integration of academics of the UL and co-operation in the international academic environment.

Student and teaching staff mobility was carried out within this project, which is essential in rise of international competence for both students and teachers. Students had an opportunity to apply and participate in exchange program, and spend a study semester in one of the participating universities. Elina Sadauska, 3rd year student of Business Administration from the University of Latvia was nominated to participate in exchange mobility. During the mobility the student has successfully fulfilled study course requirements, passed exams in 4 study courses and achieved 30 ECTS in total. Student has spent 5 months in Norway, from January 2016 till June 2016. She was impressed by the high quality standards in organization of study process and very professional teaching and administrative staff. Mrs. Sadauska pointed out that during exchange period she has gained not only academic knowledge, but also has broadened her horizons. In addition, PhD student of the UL FEM (Alina Dibrova) had received an invitation from the University of Agder to carry out a research for her dissertation in August 2016. The following teaching staff members from the UL FEM have participated in the mobility, prof. R. Rupeika-Apoga, assoc. prof. D. Dimante and Dr. Aija Van der Steina. During the mobility they have provided study seminars to students of the University of Agder, have participated in defence sessions of Bachelor and Master theses and have discussed future cooperation possibilities. Three teaching staff members (prof. Trond Randøy, asoc. prof. Rotem Shneor un Dr. Pontus Engstrom) from the University of Agder have come to Riga and have provided guest lectures on actual topics to students of the UL FEM. Prof. T.Randoy and R.Shneor have participated in the international conference “New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2016: Society, Innovations and Collaborative Economy”, they have provided video seminar on theme “How to get published internationally in Business Administration and Economics”. As the project has concluded, we can confirm that main goals have been reached. Due to achieved mutual cooperation in fields of economics and management, a new project has been prepared and it already has received the approval from the Nordplus program.  The overall goal of the new project is to establish, develop and strengthen educational co-operation in the corporate and international finance area in the Nordic-Baltic higher educational region, by giving students a strong background and provide them with a world-class head start. Within this project the following universities will cooperate: University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management (Riga, Latvia), University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Tartu, Estonia), Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Economics and Management (Kaunas, Lithuania), HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Science (Finland), University of Agder (Kristiansand, Norway). The project was co-financed by the EEA and Norway Grants.
