Senior lecturer Marco Lopriore will hold a guest lecture on "EU economic governance and its impacts on Latvia". The guest-lecture will take place on November 4, 2017, University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, Aspazijas Boulevard 5, room 324 at 9.00.

In lecture student will go through the rules of the fiscal surveillance by the EU on Latvian public finances, the surveillance of macro-economic imbalances, the coordination of economic and social policies and the stability pillar when a country loses access to the markets. The lecture will provide students with the EU rules and will highlight the EU documents, which refer to Latvia such as the Country Report and the Country Specific Recommendations. It will also make the link between the European semester and the ESI funds, which Latvia receives from the EU budget. M. Lopriore holds Master degrees from the Free University of Amsterdam and from the University of Cagliari. Before joining EIPA, he was a researcher at the Economic and Social Institute of Amsterdam, an administrator at the European Commission's DG Information Society, a delegate for the Italian Chambers of Commerce, as well as working as an expert for the European Economic and Social Committee and the SME Union Group of the European Parliament.
