Currently the 4 weeks long winter session for doctoral students-foreigners from LU Doctoral studies program in Management, studies module “Global Management and Leadership”, is finished. In totality approximately 100 foreigners , mainly from Austria and Germany are studying in this module. The program is implemented in collaboration with partners – University of Applied Sciences of Kufstein in Austria and Diploma University in Germany.

Courses, discussions, debates of research results in classroom and exams have already passed for the second doctoral students group. Now in the agenda we have the discussions of theses during the meetings of the department of International Economics and Business of LU. Throughout the studies not only dissertations are created – a young generation of doctoral students has appeared: Philipp (6 months) and Valerie (8 months). Their moms Susanna Minder and Katharina Silberbauer have presented their dissertations to the department and the Katharina’s thesis was recommended for the submission to the promotional council.
