UL FEM assoc. prof. Jānis Priede

University of Latvia Faculty of Economics and Management assoc. prof. Jānis Priede in preparation for „Riga Conference 2016” shares opinion about Russians sanctions impact on the European Union's (EU) economy.

„Europe 2020 goals were challenging when they were set without prediction the events that will follow and will make it harder if even impossible to achieve. Here we talk about the events regarding EU sanctions against the Russia and Russian asymmetric sanctions against EU in form of trade embargo and most recent UK vote on leaving the EU and uncertainty how it will leave an impact on TTIP negotiations. These and other events will definitely leave an economic impact.” Expresses assoc. prof. Jānis Priede. Read full article here: www.rigaconference.lv/rc-views/35/about-conference The Riga Conference is an annual meeting and it will be held already for the 11th time. The event is organised jointly by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, the Latvian Ministry of Defence, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. This year the conference will take place on the 28th and 29th October at the National Library of Latvia.
