The second Start-up Camp Riga-Cambridge will take place from September 28 to November 12. Cross-disciplinary students from all universities are invited to develop their business ideas with experienced lectors and entrepreneurs from Latvian and Cambridge universities. Authors of the most successful ideas will have the opportunity to participate in the second part of the Camp in Cambridge (UK) during January 2017.

The Camp is based on practical classes and teamwork aimed at effectively growing ideas into realistic and potential businesses by simulating real-life business situations. This is an opportunity to expand your network, as the new entrepreneurs will meet local businessmen, potential clients, partners and investors in Riga and Cambridge. What did last year’s graduates say about the Camp? “Lots of insight to the real business world. Highly valuable experience! Speakers – they are great! Atmosphere – outstanding! We met the legendary Jack Lang, inventor of the 5$ computer – Raspberry Pi. He led one of the classes and visited Cambridge Design Partnership as well as other innovation centres. The opportunity to meet them all and see it all – very motivating!” Get more information and apply here until 27 September. The Camp was initiated by Professor D.B.A., F.R.S.A. Alan Barrell. He has more than 30 years of experience in leading positions of many technology and medical companies as well as international experience working in universities in the Great Britain, Finland, China a.o. Alan Barrell’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship development to improve social mobility. Start-up Camp Riga-Cambridge  is organized by the foundation CONNECT Latvia, which manages various events with the participation of new entrepreneurs, inventors, innovators, students, investors, mentors and experts to stimulate business idea commercialization. The Camp is sponsored by Baltikums Bank and JSC Development Finance Institution ALTUM. Partners of the Camp are the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Latvia, Riga Technical University and Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. 
