Eight of UL FEM students will be participating as volunteers in the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and during the next six months they will be crucial to the proceedings of the Presidency.

The presidency of the Council of the European Union rotates among the European Union Member States every six months and the country holding the presidency drives forward the Council's work. During the first half of 2015, Latvia will be the Member State holding the presidency. It is not only an opportunity to show Latvia as a professional and modern state, but also a responsibility. To ensure the Presidency runs as smoothly as possible, during a selection process and intense training, the best youngsters from all around Latvia where chosen to prove their skills and competency as liaison officers and by working at the media center. Amongst these youngsters are eight UL FEM students from a variety of study programs such as Economics, International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy, International Economic Relations and other study programs. UL FEM is very proud of their students for showing initiative and for participating in an international event such as the presidency of the Council of the European Union!
